Our Mission Statement

As members of an international congregation of consecrated religious of Pontifical rank,
our primary mission is the evangelization of God's people.
With faith in the presence of God and trust in Divine Providence, we embrace our unique charism entrusted to us by the founders of our Franciscan family: Laura Leroux, Duchess of Bauffremont, Father Gregory Fioravanti, OFM, and our pioneer Sisters Gertrude, Constance, and Pellegrina.
As vowed women, we live the gospel in the spirit of Francis of Assisi, drawing our inspiration
from the compassionate, redemptive love of Jesus for humanity.
We share a community life of prayer, presence, and apostolic activity.
In collaboration with the Church, we respond to the Lord's call to proclaim the Gospel, especially through our mission of education, pastoral ministry, and charitable assistance to the most needy and abandoned.
"Led by the Lord, let them begin a life of penance, conscious that all of us must be continuously and totally converted to the Lord. As a sign of their conversion and consecration to Gospel life, they are to clothe themselves plainly and to live in simplicity." (Cf. Reg. NB2, 14)